When you have a talent, don't hold back. Use it and do something with it with the right motives of course. What is the motives? Simply to glorify God with it. Never let a talent be a waste. Whatever that talent is.
If you are skilled in cooking, then cook for the less fortunate, spread the talents that God have given you by His Grace. Even the smallest that seems insignificant can be done to glorify God. Whatever talent you have, use it because God will make you shine in it.
Take a look at Mother Teresa, she was not rich, she won a noble price just because she was willing to serve the poor. She had a talent, a talent of a Humble and Golden Heart. She made an impact to the world and so will you!
A talent that is not used are useless and it is a waste. God doesn't like wastage. Just like every boss, they dislike wastes. Should you not use your talent, just like the servant who kept the 1000 in the hole, he was then thrown out from his master's house.
Never waste a talent that you have. Look inside; What are you good at and start sharing it to others :)
Taking Action
Lord, I want to sharpen my skills on the talents that I have Lord. Please let me know more regarding my own talents and how to utilize it for Your glory.
End of my W5D5.
God Bless,
End of my W5D5.
God Bless,
I'm a Growing Weed and a Champion!
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