Sunday, 20 March 2011

SS675 Disciple Journey Introduction and W1D1 Journal

20/03/2011 My first day receiving my Disciple Journey :)

For those who don't know what it is, it is a 40 weeks of intense Spartan Training with the Almighty Heavenly Father :D

Anyway the background is, I'm a beginner acting like a pro hahaha.... On the guidelines, you may choose from 4 methods of reading and I chose the hardest.... hahaha I chose to read all 4 Bible readings...

And as per recommendation of my Commander (Mentor)
Start from Psalm - Proverbs - New Testimony - Old Testimony.

And Indeed it is great.

Then after reading, you have to follow some steps:
Steps are called ACTS:
  1. Accepting The Words (Reading and Believing in it) 
  2. Contemplating (Meditating/Think deeply about it/Ponder upon) 
  3. Taking Actions (Hardest) 
  4. Sharing (What am I doing now :D) 
Then um what this Journey requires are:
  • Faith 
  • Endurance 
  • Concentration
  • Commitment
Then out of the readings, there is something called as "Golden Verse", which is a verse that turns on the light bulb on your head :) Something that hit a bulls eye in your heart and head. Oh yeah this is where your ACTS goes hahaha

So anyway here goes my 40 Weeks Spartan Journey with God :D
W1D1 (Week 1 Day 1) 20/03/2011

Psalm 1
Proverbs 1
NT: Matthew 1
OT: Genesis 1-3

My Golden Verse: Psalm 1:2
(2) But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God) he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night.

Basically, we know the Laws of God! So I believe, no need to write them all. Then after reading that Golden verse, there is 2 types of people in this world. They are:
  • Wicked/Sinners
  • SinLess People
We as humans, are not that perfect like Jesus who are pure without Sin. We are basically sinners even when we are in our mothers Womb from the time of our Forefathers (goes way back from Abraham and even Adam and Eve). SinLess People are people who knows the "Law of God" and actually try (not to the point of extreme that they do it all-I believe none can do it except Jesus Christ) to follow and apply it in their life.  
For Example why I said you can't be pure and claim you have no sin:
I'm a guy, I see Hot Sexy girls, my mind wanders around and because of that, I have made a sin which is adultery. Please don't lie you all don't do that. This goes for the Females as well!!!

Then SinLess people will be confronted with a lot of Temptations as Sin is Bounding! Then with the Grace of God and our "Fear" and Obedience upon God and His Law, we shall be stronger to conquer all Temptations and Sins.

Taking Actions
God, I Confessed my sins to You (Privately not here). I want to Resist all Temptations to commit sins, I pray to Thee that with the Power of the Holy Spirit, I will be able to resist all temptations and sins.

End of my W1D1.

Anyway if you are thinking why I share this? My answer. This is what God tells me, I'm sharing the word of God as I want to share the greatest things in life. People may not know of God and His word. Should you decide to perform your own DJ, you may and remember if you do, it is not a Coincidence. it is God's will on you!

God Bless,

I'm a Growing Weed!

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