W8D4 Journal
W8D4 (Week 8 Day 4) 9/06/2011
Psalm 35:19-28
Proverbs 6:17-19Readings:
Psalm 35:19-28
NT: Mark 9:42- 1-:16
OT: Numbers 1
My Golden Verse: Mark 10:15
Mark 10:15
(15) Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive and accept and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child [does] positively shall not enter it at all.
(Courtesy of http://alkitab.otak.info/)
Let me tell you all frankly how I used to:
1. Weird smile on the surface and saying in heart "Oh damn, Not again, what a boring preaching; Gosh where are the cute chicks, yadayadayada"
2. Lots of sighs, sleepyhead, yadayadayada.
So now the Question is thins -> "How do YOU react on it?"
I've experienced what I used to do backfires right at me; Some says: You are to religious, nah nah that ain't for me, WTF is wrong with you, yadayadayada.
Let me tell you what we should do:
We should be a kid who are always eager to run here and there. How does a kid come running and rushing towards the people they love, candy, a game, a balloon, yadayadayada?
They come rushing towards all of those; they run with a huge smile, Joy is in their heart. now This is how we shall accept the Truth, God, Kingdom of heaven.
Lessen those yucky, goey feeling about the Truth and you will then feel the sweetness of God.
How do we accept the Truth? How do we accept God? How do we accept the Kingdom of God?
Let me tell you all frankly how I used to:
1. Weird smile on the surface and saying in heart "Oh damn, Not again, what a boring preaching; Gosh where are the cute chicks, yadayadayada"
2. Lots of sighs, sleepyhead, yadayadayada.
So now the Question is thins -> "How do YOU react on it?"
I've experienced what I used to do backfires right at me; Some says: You are to religious, nah nah that ain't for me, WTF is wrong with you, yadayadayada.
Let me tell you what we should do:
We should be a kid who are always eager to run here and there. How does a kid come running and rushing towards the people they love, candy, a game, a balloon, yadayadayada?
They come rushing towards all of those; they run with a huge smile, Joy is in their heart. now This is how we shall accept the Truth, God, Kingdom of heaven.
Lessen those yucky, goey feeling about the Truth and you will then feel the sweetness of God.
Taking Action
God, I want to be a kid who will be so thirsty for ice water after running here and there. I want to be the kid and Your words are the ice water. I want to be a kid who runs eagerly to You. I want to have a sincere and pure heart about you. I want to accept and receive your Kingdom with Joy.
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