Tuesday, 15 November 2011

W8D7 Journal

W8D7 Journal

W8D7 (Week 8 Day 7) 27/06/2011

Psalm 37:8-15
Proverbs 6:26-28
NT: Mark 11:27-12:17
OT: Numbers 6

My Golden Verse: Psalm 37:9, Psalm 37:13

Psalm 37:9
(9) For evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait and hope and look for the Lord [in the end] shall inherit the earth.

Psalm 37:13

(13) The Lord laughs at [the wicked], for He sees that their own day [of defeat] is coming.
(Courtesy of  http://alkitab.otak.info/)

Upon pondering the verses, an image of dissatisfaction rose up in my mind. God showed me how we human beings are easily dissatisfied when things don't go to their plan. We see that people who perform well don't really get the treatment they should have received. We also see that in this commercial world; anything that we do as long as we have money, we are like kings on earth. No matter where that money came from.

You can see from the movie Lord of War (Nicolas Cage), Godfather (Al Pacino), yada yada yada.
If movies are too fictional for your eyes; then come to third world countries and you may see that upon poverty, Mammon have enslaved all the people in poverty.

In their eyes, there are no God; they only see money to survive their life and have a lavish life. Can we blame them? I don't think so. For me as long as they do it in the right way as God wanted; there is no wrong in that. As long as it is not evil deeds they are doing in this world. It is acceptable; because God knows and love them. God love the poor and the kind ones.

God has a plan for each and everyone of us. No matter what state we are in. We may be living a luxury a life but then God may have a plan that we are required to help the ones who need. To provide them and take care of them as God intended to. A lot of people have started doing this in their own ways.

I myself have donated a little sum every month to Save the Children cause. Though many people kept telling that I'm benefiting the organization, I have held in my heart that I'm overlooking the organization but I'm looking for the children who receives my donations.

Some other people have gone into the field of practice directly by teaching street kids, giving them clothing, yada yada yada. Even corporations are starting to adapt a social responsibility schemes. For instance Grill'd Australia have started a "Local Matters" where they are donating money for local charities around their shops surroundings.  --- All of these are Good Deeds of God's Desire to help the unfortunate.  

Then back to the verses, There are no guarantees that good people will receive instant rewards. No. A living example? Jesus Christ Himself, what wicked things He ever did? None; yet He was crucified.

How about the wicked people who don't abide to the Lord? example? Pharaoh during Moses era, Goliath? the Israelis during their journey to the promise land?

What God asked from us is - Do Good, abide to His desires, and have Faith because He doesn't neglect us.

Taking Action
God, support me as a big tree supports the birds nest. support me as the rock foundations where the houses are built upon. lead me with the life and actions that enlightens You.

End of my W8D7.

God Bless,

Follow me at Twitter @SS675
I'm a Growing Weed and a Champion!

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