Tuesday, 19 April 2011

W3D5 Journal

W3D5 Journal

W3D5(Week 3 Day 5) 9/04/2011

Psalm 16
Proverbs 2:22-3:2
NT: Matthew 14:22-15:9
OT: Genesis 42-43

My Golden Verse: Psalm 16:8, Matthew 14:30

Matthew 14:30

(30) But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]!

Psalm 16:8
(8) I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

(Courtesy of  http://alkitab.otak.info/)

I'm so sorry, I skipped this one last night. I was tired last night and required W3D6 for SS675 Struggles blog. So terribly sorry and I apologize. So anyway, if you have recognized something different here where my Golden verse kinda swap positions with my reading plan. This was due that Psalm 16:8 was my first GV but Matthew 14:30 was kinda more powerful but when I contemplated my DJ, Psalm 16:8 is like a key of assurance of Matthew 14:30; let us start the DJ.
Peter, he was one of the chosen disciples of Jesus. He was frightened and lost his beliefs in Jesus and he sank. Yesterday (W3D4), my DJ told me to believe in Jesus 100% with my heart, mind, and soul.  
The big question is this - "What Happens if a Storm and/or a Big Wave comes?
I may not be walking above water but we can interpret it into many different things such as - a bad relationship, work related matters, financial related matters, family related matters, health related matters, yada yada yada. Will we still hold our beliefs in Him 100%? For me, maybe not in the past but if you ask me now, by His Grace 1000% YES! Now I believe that if I have Him in me, nothing else can stand in front of me. Only He - Himself have authority over me.

Then Psalm 16:8, 
"(8) I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."
Something to empower my above GV contemplation, as we remember that God is always with us, He is always beside us; I will not be shaken/crumble. 

Thank you God my Father.

Taking Action

God, prepare my heart to face the winds and storms of this life with 1000% belief in You. I shall stand firm against all those with You beside me. Amen

End of my W3D5.

God Bless,

I'm a Growing Weed and a Champion!

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