Wednesday, 6 April 2011

W1D7 Journal

W1D7 Journal

W1D7 (Week 1 Day 7) 25/03/2011

Proverbs 1:19-21
NT: Matthew 6:25 - 7:14
OT: Genesis 18-19

My Golden Verse: Matthew6:33

Matthew 6:33
(33) But seek ( aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ( His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.

(Courtesy of

So Sorry all, Been so tired before to blog.... :( Guess I can't beat my own limits as well. Temptations not to perform my DJ was there as well but hey thanks to God who protect me, He gave me extra power to perform my DJs :D So I'm back to blog my DJs from where I left it before.

Let's start the journal: 

Matthew 6:33
Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, believing in Him, and keeping our faith on Him are the highlight of my DJ on 25/03/2011.

As a creation of God, He is our Father; we shall not worry about what will happen as He will provide for us. I personally know this experience because I went through it.

A bit of recap, I am an independent person who were not dependent on God before. I rarely prayed, Facing problems, I will face it with my own self. I never relied on Him. I had fallen once and I had survived with my own strength and I became cocky. Yet I have fallen into sin; a sin of being arrogant that when I fell the second time, I can survive on my own again. Unfortunately I met a point where I can't handle it anymore. Problems after problems came and I surrender at last. I surrender to the mercy of God.

Now I changed my attitude, I kept my life to find God and seek His kingdom, and follow His right way, I'm feeling a lot different somehow. My heart felt peace now and ful all the time. Now I live amongst people that can contribute more to God rather than those who may pull me away from God.

I now realize that when God blesses us and in His name we perform, everything will be simple. Thanks be to God!

Taking Actions
God, Help me to seek Your Kingdom and prevent me from sinning but keep me on Your right path.

End of my W1D7.

God Bless,

I'm a Growing Weed

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